What if…Time Were An Illusion?

space whirl pool galaxy
Brian Hogan

If time was an illusion it would mean I’m not getting older I’m just getting creakier 

It would mean there’s no such thing as being on time, which seems even freakier 

It would mean nobody dies young, and you can never show up late 

It means nobody peaked too early, and there’s nothing left but fate

Because without time there is no occurring, there is just this moment here and now. 

Happening simultaneously with every other moment, even the ones from before and the ones to come after, but don’t fucking ask me how

I don’t know the nature of reality

But when I set time aside I think perhaps I start to understand the idea of eternity

A timeless unruffled state of being

So esoteric, so untapped, it feels like you’re part of a secret fraternity 

Able to leap boundless, and transcend the trappings of modernity 

If time was an illusion then you’d never watch the clock

Because it’s a meaningless invention, that would no longer be in stock

If time was an illusion, well I suppose I’d have to wonder why

What’s the purpose, what can it teach me, as the seconds go whizzing by

Like a fiery comet on a collision course in space 

The minutes pick up denser matter and they also pick up their pace 

This comet is made of months now

Then it cascades into decades 

Eventually a century 

And I wonder what I learn as I pass moments in this illusory tar of time. What do I get from this illusion, if not simply older and dead?

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space whirl pool galaxy
Brian Hogan

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About Brian

Brian is a Writer, Clarity Coach, Filmmaker and Adjunct Professor who loves teaching and learning, and living in the uncertainty of it all.




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