Our Evolution

liquid art painting
Brian Hogan

I don’t know for sure how our species came to be

But I do know some things clearly, some things are plain to see

We didn’t come to be at war, 

To keep a score and make life a chore; 

I know this to my core

We didn’t come to impose our will

to maim and kill, and oil spill; 

These times give me a chill

Here’s one thing I know for sure, it’s time to take a knee

Our species cannot heal itself without humility

I don’t know for sure why humanity exists 

But I do know some things clearly, I can see right through the mists

We didn’t come to turn away

and let each other suffer, I’ll give this time to buffer

because things are getting tougher

We didn’t come to judge and blame

We need to understand, big changes are at hand

A higher standard life will soon demand. 

Here’s one thing I know for sure about life and all it’s twists

More comes from diplomacy than from bombs and wars and fists

I don’t know for sure how society became so lost

But I do know some things clearly, it’s not been without a cost

We didn’t come to bicker

Like petty little bitches, with far too many glitches, 

Our violence leaves us needing stitches

We didn’t come to pass the buck

To be so right, and hold our views tight

so we can’t let in any different light

Here’s one thing I know for sure, life is calling for something new

from all of us. Do you hear the whisper? Pray tell, what will you do? 

I don’t know for sure exactly where we go from here

But I do know some things clearly, that we cannot live in fear

We’ve come here to love and thrive

To innovate and procreate and invigorate. 

We’ve come here to be alive 

To experience a dream, so it would seem 

That evolution is the theme

Here’s one thing I know for sure, this time we must evolve

But it’s not genetic, it’s our choices; this next leap will take resolve. 

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liquid art painting
Brian Hogan

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About Brian

About Brian

Brian is a Writer, Clarity Coach, Filmmaker and Adjunct Professor who loves teaching and learning, and living in the uncertainty of it all.




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