If I Were A Ghost…

Ghost in a tree
Brian Hogan


Could I still be haunted? 

Could I still be daunted? 

And I would still get all jealous and sour when people flaunted

their shiny objects and expensive trinkets? 

It’s hard to imagine, but I tend to think it’s 

quite possible that a ghostly existence comes with similar pitfalls 

and challenges and mental tournaments; 

because despite halloween with all it’s ornaments 

a ghost was once a person, in theory anyway.

And the best part of being human

is learning 

and yearning 

and feeling that ego death churning.  

We sometimes like to hide under sheets

so we already have that in common with ghosts. 

Or get three sheets to the wind when things get too scary

so we also have things in common with a whole family of ghosts.

If the best part of being human is the depth of experience and the range of emotion

then the best part of being ghostly might be a similar thing

or quite another notion

or even more depth and range, vaster than the ocean. 

If I were a ghost I’d glide through walls that as a human I seem to have to keep breaking down or pushing over.

If I were a ghost I’d see right through to the heart of the matter

and sometimes for fun make my humans jump with an unexpected clatter.

I wonder if I’d be more all knowing, or more in the dark? 

I hope it’s the former and not the latter

I’d like to think if I were a ghost I’d be a consummate host

not so much haunting the joint as protecting it, guarding it, making it safe for those who live on after. 

I’d cozy up and watch from the highest rafter.

If I were a ghost I’d never ghost you

I’d be right by your side

maybe causing shiver or chills or unexpected thrills 

but I’d always toast you. 

When the goblins or gouls came a knockin’

I’d tell ‘em this is my haunted house

So keep on moving, keep on walkin’ 

there’s no room for any more stalkin’. 

So I’d be this invisible force slaying your demons and dragons, 

like a friendly Casper-y, hobbit-y Bilbo Baggins. 

Just dutifully following my new and glorious quest

To look after my descendants 

So they can maybe taste transcendence 

And realize they have already passed the test 

And can finally and fully, in peace, rest.  

And I’d realize I’m not alone up here 

but supported by all my dead ancestors 

And we are all looking down, watching our cycle breakers 

Shake their money makers

And shatter old mistakers 

Because though I’m a ghost I am with you

and so are all the other ghosts that died long ago 

We are your sacred lineage

And we watch you, support you, cheer for you

Because we’ve been misunderstood, as you have.

And we love Halloween because this thinning veil means we maybe, might just get to say hello again, and good bye, and in that haunting exchange realize that ‘hello’ and ‘good bye’ aren’t relevant anymore, because we are with each other always. 

Happy Halloween

I love and trust you humanity. 


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About Brian

About Brian

Brian is a Writer, Clarity Coach, Filmmaker and Adjunct Professor who loves teaching and learning, and living in the uncertainty of it all.




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