Anti-social Media

shadow making call
Brian Hogan

We live our lives in public now

It is different than before

When we’d smile at an unexpected guest

Come knocking at our door

Our lives have become a tabloid piece

Twitter, tweet and post your soul, an issue of Inquisitor

With that burning spotlight pressing down

We now fear that surprise visitor

We post our private lives

Snap, it is a trap

Text me to sex me

We’ve stopped talking, reduced to stalking

No romance

No time to dance

We post our lives for useless fame

What a steep price it took

Nothing will ever be the same

The like, the gram, the waste of facebook.

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shadow making call
Brian Hogan

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About Brian

About Brian

Brian is a Writer, Clarity Coach, Filmmaker and Adjunct Professor who loves teaching and learning, and living in the uncertainty of it all.




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