Describing the Most Beautiful Sound I’ve Ever Heard (A Sensory Piece)

sound wave golden
Brian Hogan

Is the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard a ringing? 

Is it a steady sound or a wavering sound? 

Could it be a dinging, or am I more in search of a pinging. 

Perhaps it sound like a clanging 

But definitely not like a clanking, that’s more an awful sound, I’d imagine oft used in pranking…

Or spanking, if it were being done to a robot with a metal paddle. 

Is the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard a singing? 

Is it the musings of a human voice, or a hand on an instrument stringing? 

Does metal make this beautiful sound or is created out of wood 

Is the beautiful sound a whooshing, or a sloshing, would that even sound any good? 

Sometimes when I wax poetic I’d like to say its the sound of my own voice that’s so beautiful. That’s not at all true, it’s really the idea that contains the beauty, and ideas come from something much much smarter than us. 

The vibration of ideas comes from much much higher 

From the clouds it can transpire that an idea ignites in a way to inspire, and create an almost holy fire. 

Like freedom and equality.  Electricity and running water.  The mother fucking cronut.  

Perhaps the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard is a rumbling 

The kind that comes from a groundswell brought about by those same kinds of fiery ideas that caused institutions to start tumbling, and politicians to start bumbling.  

Maybe the most beautiful sound is destruction, because like a climatic, cathartic crechendo a the end of an impassioned orchestral plea, it hits every note, blazes a trail of glory impossible to follow again even right down to your cells, destroys your ego and leaves you humble and breathless in the face of such creativity. You know, like a forest fire does. 

But I actually think the most beautiful sound is the sound perfection makes when humans laugh at their monsters and their imperfect, even offensive jokes. When taking things seriously becomes seriously out of the question.  

Yeah, that sounds beautiful, I like the sound of that for sure. 

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About Brian

Brian is a Writer, Clarity Coach, Filmmaker and Adjunct Professor who loves teaching and learning, and living in the uncertainty of it all.




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