Writing Prompt: Write about something presently in your life that is worth it.
Hallmarks of Worthiness
I’m told to write about something worth it.
“Like gold?” I think to myself.
“No no, something presently in my life”, I’m told.
“Oh,” I laugh, because I certainly don’t have any gold.
What do I have that’s worth it?
My fingers are possessed as they try to force me to type out the following sunshine:
I am worth it.
Family is worth it.
Life is worth it.
But the sunshine fades quickly.
Because are those statements truth, or Hallmark Sauce.
I never did like the taste of Hallmark.
Every phrase so perfectly formed and meaningless
So carefully crafted yet utterly useless.
Get well soon.
Um yeah, I’m trying.
It’s a girl.
Yeah, I told you that.
I’m sorry.
Well, so am I, fucker.
Happy Birthday.
Actually both me and my mother were screaming bloody murder that day. It didn’t feel happy to me. And I was covered in blood and helpless.
Happy Anniversary.
I’m fucking single.
Oh then there are the perfectly crafted but politely tardy phrases.
Happy Belated Anything really just means
“I feel obligated but resisted that obligation for too long.”
But that doesn’t all fit nicely on a card, so we get “belated”
But I digress.
What is presently in my life that’s worth it.
Well, I am.
And that’s why I hate Hallmark. They disguise the truth under utter cliches until the truth itself seems meaningless.
I love you.
Yeah, heard that before.
Follow Your Heart.
Well, it’s broken.
Trust Your Instincts.
I don’t.
But the truth is not meaningless, despite how often we utter it meaninglessly. The truth is always true, and then, thanks to Hallmark we throw it away
And call it cliche
But the plain and simple and couldn’t be truer facts are these:
I am worth it
And that means a lot
And it just so happens to be worth celebrating.
So I can’t believe I’m going to say this,
But somebody get me a fucking card!