Based on a writing prompt: “The Cat’s Meow”
I look up, a mix of startled and befuddled, like a stunned cat.
This cat looks up through glass the way I imagine myself looking up though my limits directly at God, if such a thing is dared.
Almost like I looked up to defy but defiance withered under the crushing weight of awe, and dumbfounded, and wondering what I could possibly have ever had to complain about I stare, transfixed, frozen,
Gazing at eternity, for an eternity,
all in a momentary flash of insight.
The energy, the abyss, unexpectedly stares back at me, simultaneously completing and terrifying me.
Wholeness is an awesome power I don’t feel ready for.
When you combine wholeness and awesome do you really get wholesome? Because I think that doesn’t quite capture it.
Perhaps not wholesome, but holy. Or event better still just simply whole.
To experience what it means to be whole.
Missing nothing
Lacking nothing
Wanting for nothing
To be aware of great force of creation and to be that force, to harness an understanding while wielding the energy of life itself.
A couple a hundred years ago you’d be branded a witch and set on fire if you could harmonize with the energy of creation the way we must finally come to embrace in this newest evolution, an evolution of consciousness.
Are senses are heightening, like a jungle cat every day,
The reflexes of a jaguar where there used to be those of a junkie.
Humanity is learning to see in the dark, land on our feet, and live many lives. 9 or so I believe.
And when we do life will be better than utopia?
What’s better than utopia you ask? Well, I tell you, that’s the Cat’s meow!