This Might Surprise You But…

monkey behind a tree

WRITING PROMPT: Write about something in your life that might surprise people. How do I know what’s going to surprise anybody else?  I was surprised to learn, at age 10, that Santa Claus wasn’t real, and neither was indestructible parental trust.  I was surprised to learn that evolution and gravity and germs are still just […]

I’m the Main Character and I’m Comfortable with that.

theature curtain, tan

WRITING PROMPT: Write about a moment the main character feels awkward, out of place or uncomfortable. You are the main character of your life. And I am the main character of mine. Even if you are a wounded people pleasing kiss ass like me who feels very comfortable in the sidekick role you are the […]

What Is The Meaning Of This?

cloud shaped like question mark

WRITING PROMPT: Everything you write must be a question, in the form of a question, or a request. What have I always wondered about? Do I want to know about the nature of reality? Or the secret meaning of life? Is there even a secret meaning or is there really just vast impersonal permission to […]

The Sweaty Warmth of Skin & Sun (A Sensory Piece)

bokeh orange lights on rainy glass

WRITING PROMPT: Describe the most vivid texture you’ve ever touched or felt. I can’t decide between the thin sheet of warm sunshine on my sweaty skin post marathon or the warm sweaty skin of 35 year old male lover muscles after a hot shower.  Both generate heat. Both knock me off my feet, but in […]

Ordinary Beauty

Garbage truck in autumn

WRITING PROMPT: Describe something ordinary in a way that captures its beauty. One of the most ordinary things I can think of that is also generally not quickly linked to beauty is garbage. Specifically garbage trucks. And more specifically garbage day. And if I’m going to be down right particular about it, I’m talking about […]

Believe It Or Not…

man walks in cloud tunnel

Believe it or not there is no such thing as solidity The concept of matter has almost no validity  When the quantum investigator looks at atoms she finds mostly empty space sparsely dotted by electrons and protons, which, if you zoom into those are also mostly empty space.  Mere sparks, made of quarks.   The […]

WRITING PROMPT: I Wish I Had (blank) Yesterday!

gold watch on book

I don’t know what I wish I had yesterday Sometimes I just wish I had yesterday back Or last year, or my 30’s, or my entire broken childhood And sometimes I don’t want any of that back at all.  I’d rather look forward, stand tall And not waste my energy on trying to recall  But […]

Creating An Ideal Future

glittery wormhole in space

The idea of an ideal future appeals to me greatly. Ideal in the sense that is the best one possible.   Who doesn’t want the best thing possible. Its probable to say perhaps everyone wants the best of all possibilities But what happens when possibilities seems to be drowned out by inevidibilities Like government control  […]

If My Worst Fears Came True It Would Mean…?

creepy hands in window

From a writing prompt: If my worst fears came true it would mean I’m 67, alone, dying, impoverished, publicly humiliated, and universally scorned. And it would be pervasive. You’d be risking your reputation just to come visit me.  There would be wholly unflattering dick picks of me online that somehow make me look smaller than […]