Winter Mood

snowy landscape with trees
Brian Hogan

Snow covered potential

Like drenched frozen meadows thaws slowly, if at all

Potential is essential but frozen it becomes tangential 

A side kick in the comic instead of the dashing lead 

The power is atomic but encased in ice it starts to bead

Water droplets douse my soul 

As the frost around my hot dreams begins to melt 

So I keep that icy water in a bowl 

 And hope the frost bite won’t leave a welt 

A winter mood’s been brewing

Rumbling and bubbling inside my gut 

And I can sense this cold snap coming 

To put my inner artist in a rut 

So I’ve decided that it will be summer 

Starting now and whenever I please 

If you think warm weather is a bummer 

Then I hope you get stung by bees

The welt from a bumble’s stinger 

Let’s me know that I’m alive 

And if I can carry summer in my heart 

My inner artist will survive, or thrive, or take a nose dive. 

But hey, I’ll be warm. And that puts me in a very good mood. 

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snowy landscape with trees
Brian Hogan

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About Brian

About Brian

Brian is a Writer, Clarity Coach, Filmmaker and Adjunct Professor who loves teaching and learning, and living in the uncertainty of it all.




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