The War of Art

unwashed brightly colored paintbrushes signifying the war of art
Brian Hogan

I want my art to be inspiring

So I sit frozen, yet perspiring

There is a pressure to express

to burst, to splash, to dance in paint

an urge, a burning I suppress

so the urge is growing ever faint

I want my art to be transcendent

But I freeze alone, and codependent

There is an ember searing hot

cracking, burning, catching fire

that never dies beneath the rot

of all the dreams I’ve let expire

I want my art to be an upward force

And a bunch of fame and money, of course

My soul is alight with a bright white heat

But the mental dragon turns it all to steam

So I binge-watch crap and over eat

And pinch myself for my silly dream

I want my art to be expression

But I find myself stuck in depression

I have to stop this round and round 

So I force myself to sit and write 

The flood gates open and I start to drown

But I can learn to swim, I’ll be alright. 

A creative force bursts through my fingers

At last, now here’s hoping this surge lingers 

Making art is like controlling fire

It burns, it’s smoky, with it’s own mind

If you’re lucky to live, you’ll never retire

From this calling you’ve been assigned 

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unwashed brightly colored paintbrushes signifying the war of art
Brian Hogan

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About Brian

About Brian

Brian is a Writer, Clarity Coach, Filmmaker and Adjunct Professor who loves teaching and learning, and living in the uncertainty of it all.




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