
full moon orange
Brian Hogan

All around me atoms collide

to form my reality but can I decide

to mold this moment with the power of thought

or is that wishful thinking when I’m feeling distraught?

so many theories that I’ve been taught. 

I swear, I can tell ya, at times it’s a snap

the universe yields with the slightest soft tap

but there are these moments, events so unyielding

they form into patterns, like weapons they’re wielding

my baggage and secrets to slash at the masks

that hide my true self. In case anyone asks,

I’m doing great, perfectly fine. 

But on the off chance that’s a big fat lie

I know my struggles are really my signs

that spark the urge for me to emerge

and face my bare self, the part I’d rather deny.

Often I lose myself mired deep in denial

I don’t even know it until I step in a pile

of steaming hot suffering, in the form of some trial

that shows me I’ve moved barely a mile

But hey it’s progress and I do it in style

And in those rare moments when I can actually see

that my set backs are designed to help me break free

I look up toward the moon and crack the hint of a smile

well, sometimes, it’s so clear–every once in a while.

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full moon orange
Brian Hogan

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Picture of About Brian

About Brian

Brian is a Writer, Clarity Coach, Filmmaker and Adjunct Professor who loves teaching and learning, and living in the uncertainty of it all.




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