DAY 25: 4 Minutes & 10 Seconds of Gazing

Sunrise in CT
Brian Hogan

I felt strange this morning. I missed the last six days of gazing due to a combination of cloudy weather, travel, a touch of oversleeping and finally what I interpreted to be a sun declared ultimatum that I must swear off of junk food or it was over between the Sun and me! Well I’ve become rather co-dependent on the sun over the last twenty five days so I’m going to make a go of this “no junk food” thing, starting with meat and processed foods and hopefully ending with six pack abs and a little extra bounce in my step (chai tea lattes excepted). I also traveled for 10 hours from New York City to Los Angeles yesterday so even my exhaustion was fatigued. 

My plane touched down in Los Angeles two hours late at 10:10 pm. My friend Rachel picked me up and we went straight to Taco Bell for some grub. Officially the no junk food policy hadn’t started yet, obviously. All they serve you on the plan is Doritos and eye rolls when you ask for a second bag; each bag has about six Doritos and some crumbs in it, so needless to say it’s not a very filling snack. After eight and a half hours I was a tad peckish. I enjoy healthy food, I do. So why do I feel like a prisoner on death row, and the gas chamber is actually Wholefoods and my last real meal was that Taco Bell I had eagerly inhaled.

The sun was bright today. My eyes have lost all their conditioning, or at least a good chunk of it. I was fighting an impulse to squint for the entire duration this morning. It felt good to have my feet pressed into the cold earth and I began to feel myself expand again (and I don’t mean from all the junk food) as I stood out in the wide open, surrounded by hills and bunnies and birds and being drenched by the sun. I am not sure if the sun was coming on so strong because he missed me or because he was pissed that I hadn’t been around for a few days. While I lean toward the idea that he missed me dearly, I also must entertain the unlikely possibility that my eyes just need to get used to my daily doses of sun rays again. 

During my cloud-forced absence from sun-gazing I missed twenty minutes of cumulative light entering into my system. So in an effort to fill my cells back to the brim with solar power I am going to be doing 2 minutes of extra gazing at sunset each day for the next ten days in addition to the morning gazing. I like to think of it as a make up class. I am going to night school, well, sunset school anyway. 

SIDE EFFECTS: If you do not remain diligent and consistent the conditioning that you achieve does seem to diminish. My other theory is that the more toxic things I ingest the harsher the light becomes. 

BENEFITS: I will be visiting with the sun twice a day for the next ten days, and the giddiness still fills me every time so I’m thinking this is going to rock. 

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About Brian

Brian is a Writer, Clarity Coach, Filmmaker and Adjunct Professor who loves teaching and learning, and living in the uncertainty of it all.




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