How Is The Emergence of Spring Like Your Deepest Desires?

butterfly on orange flower
Brian Hogan

The emergence of spring is about blossoming and my deepest desire is to come into full bloom.

To flourish and then to nourish 

The emergence of spring is about warmth and growth and expansion and my deepest desire is to be held warmly, to grow continuously and to expand infinitely

Expand into what exactly? Well, that I’m still working on. 

But I know it includes the external trappings like being a published author and getting my own talk show and having more money in the bank than I can count or spend in ten lifetimes. Those are the pretty and colorful flower pedals that show the world I’m blossoming and beautiful. 

But it also includes the internal things like peace and stillness and confidence. 

I want to know tranquility instead of numbing with the cultural tranquilizers of Netflix and marijuana and endless scrolls into the lives of mere strangers 

This focus outward comes with dangers 

I want to know serenity instead of making scenes 

I want to know divinity instead of creating divisions 

I want to know integrity instead of insisting on ideologies 

Because each one comes with its own pathologies 

And then I end up separate from my inner sense of truth and end up needing to give apologies 

before regret messes with my biologies 

The emergence of spring bring with it singing and soaring 

And that’s like my deepest desires to be in harmony with natures roaring 

And make melodies out of the mundane instead of calling it all so boring 

Who says we should leave all that to the birds
I’d like my own inner songs to be heard. 

The emergence of spring is like my deepest desires because its perennial, it never fails to come back around and my core dreams never seem to leave me even when they cycle away for undefined mental winters time and again.  

The mental winters can feel like soul splinters but when the thaw takes hold and the sun breaks the cold I feel an energy inside me saying its time to break the mold and go back to my dreams

And maybe just maybe get that mother-fucking manuscript sold. 

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About Brian

About Brian

Brian is a Writer, Clarity Coach, Filmmaker and Adjunct Professor who loves teaching and learning, and living in the uncertainty of it all.




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